Saturday, November 15, 2008


Before I had kids, I never knew the love a parent has for a child. What I did know was that I loved my wedding present, a red dachshund named Klyde. I didn't know I could love a child more then Klyde. Klyde slept with me every night under the covers and we would cuddle all the time. He would go to Fresno with me....let's just say he was my child. I was excited when I found out I was pregnant with Gavin, but I really didn't know how this child would change my life and my relationship with Klyde.
When Gavin came home the dynamics changed. It was like, "Klyde who?". He wasn't allowed in my bed because Gavin was there. Klyde wasn't allowed on the couch anymore because I was on the couch nursing Gavin, which seemed like 24 hour a day. Poor Klyde. I understood at that moment, that a child, especially a baby, takes first priority. To this day I feel guilty that I don't spend time with Klyde like I used to. The only time he goes for rides in the car is to go the vet. He doesn't get a weekly bath or play time. I feel like I don't have the time I used to have.
My poor Klyde, I hope he still knows I still love him. I may not hug him as much or hold him when I walk around, but he is still loved. The only difference is the feelings David has for him. His love has turned to a thorn in his flesh. But what he lost in David, he gained from two little boys, who chase him around and play with him.

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