Sunday, May 3, 2009

Caca day

I got up this morning, feeling good. I did my normal routine and then it was time to get the boys ready for church. Normally they are okay with getting dressed, but since this morning they needed a shower, they fought me. The shower itself only took 5 minutes so I don't know what the big deal was. So after the shower, they got dressed, got in the car and we went to church.
Gavin talked the entire way there. He asked questions ranging from dinosaurs to the dog. Finally I told him that I needed to concentrate and drive, although we were parked at a red light.
When we got to church, the boys started getting out of the car and found money in the car door and started to fight over it. I was already feeling fat and didn't like my outfit, which was a little too short for my liking these days, so I over reacted. I grabbed Gavin's arm and pushed him out of the way of the car door so I could shut it so we could start walking. This of course becomes a big deal and Gavin got hit in the eye. The drama is just beginning.
Then we get inside church and they didn't have any of the kids bulletins. We sat down and church began. Soon it was time for children's church, which I escorted the kids to. Quinten had a mental breakdown, but instead of taking him with me like I did last week, I made him stay there and cry while I went to church alone.
So these things for some reason put me in the sourest mood ever. I was grouchy all day and had the worse attitude. It made me feel better to watch the Grey's Anatomy from two weeks ago, which was terribly sad and I cried the whole time. For some reason, crying over a show makes my spirits a little less gloomy. If I understood this, I would explain it to you, but it is unexplainable.
So we ate an early dinner and the boys are in the tub. Hopefully they will be exhausted after this and go to bed so I can lay on the couch and read my latest Us Weekly magazine and have ice cream.


Jamie said...

Oh, I'm sorry you had such a crappy day! And I wasn't even at church with you so you could vent to me!

The Lomeli clan said...

Well, we are in the nursery together next week so stand by!