Thursday, May 21, 2009

The crazy drama.....part 2

It's been weeks since my last neighborhood incident. I thought we had moved on and the issues were resolved. That was until last night.
It all started at about 10:45, when I went into the garage to get some stuff out of the car. I hear really loud music. I went into the front yard to check and of course it was the crazy neighbor lady. It was so loud, I could make out the words from the music. Just to give you an idea as to how loud it was...I am across the street and three or four houses down from her. It was LOUD!
I went inside and placed a call to good ol' Fresno PD and then I went to sleep.
At 4:00 am David gets home and tells me that the neighbor lady had really loud music. I explained to him that I had already called and complained about it, but wasn't sure the cops had come out. He called the police department and told the dispatcher that he just got home and blah. blah, blah. They advise him that the crazy broad has filed several complaints on officers that have responded to her house, some of which have gone to internal affairs investigations. She went on to say that the notes under the address were not of a positive nature. David decided to stay in the house and let the cops do their job.
David gets in the shower to wash off his funkiness, when all of a sudden I hear screaming in the front of my house. I went into the bathroom and told David that I heard yelling. He gets out, gets dressed and by this time the yelling has escalated.
Th lady is in our front yard screaming bloody murder, calling me a B-word, telling me to come outside and tell her myself to turn her music down and so forth and so on. She even took my American flag decoration out of my planter and threw it. She did this for about 10 minutes.
David went outside and I called 911. I was shaking and sounded like a freak talking to the dispatcher. I tried to explain that the neighbor lady was in my driveway acting crazy and causing a disturbance. I don't think I got my point across very well and David took the phone from me and explained what was happening from his perspective.
By the time the cops go to her house, it was 5:30. They were there for about 45 minutes, leaving without making contact with us. David the whole time standing at the front door with his police radio in his hand and gun in his pocket. I stood with him, with my hot cup of coffee all the while figuring out what I am gonna do when he is at work tonight, leaving me home with this situation. It should be noted that she doesn't work her "magic" during daylight hours and I don't have enough energy to stay up to watch the house after only getting 4 hours of sleep last night.
Anyway, we are probably going to have to install cameras to the front of our house. I will definitely be parking the cars in the garage and keeping my children inside. I still can't believe that all this drama is seriously happening to us. I may have to kick out my renters in Visalia and move back to a quieter neighborhood.


The Lomeli clan said...

FYI- the crazy drunk neighbor was arrested for assualt on an officer and was booked in Fresno County Jail. Yeah! Justice is semi-served!

Jamie said...

Hey, there's a great house for sale 2 streets down from us...hmmm, sounds tempting, I know!!!