Monday, June 15, 2009

the ten of 'um

So I have had a couple glasses of wine and needed to get soemthing off my chest. What is eriously up with Jon and Kate plus Eight! I am so irriated, like this helps my day. I have just finished reading Us Weekly and rad about how Jon is the "victim" but still goes out and gets laid by his young mistress whore. Then I am watching DVR and see how he is an "angel" going down the slopes with handicapp kids. YUCK! All the people I know tell me how bitchy Kate is, but I disagree. I think she is normal and funny. I think she tells it like it is and says exactly what she feels. I think Jon is the fake, lame and disfunstional one. I think that he needs to go back and re-read his vows, which don't say exactly "Love your wife even if she get's a little stuck up and bitchy", but that comes with all of it. I don't hold Kate out of the whole proble though. Do I make fun of David all the time? No. Ocaasinally? Yes. I love David though and woud never, in a million yars, make him feel inferior to me. If anything I am interior to him...I am a stay at home Mom. Anwyay, so Jon and Kate are lame now and I can barely watch their show because knowing that Jon is a fake, bastard cheater (which I have no respect for) and Kate is a richy, fake money humgary bitch, make me feel like there is no real "reality" TV because if the stories are true, they are not!!


Audrey said...

Um, how much wine did you say you've had? Haha!! Your spelling tell the story! :)
Shoot, now I forgot what else I was going to say.......

Oh! Now I remember....the part about you being inferior because you are a stay at home Mom....are you nuts? Can I just tell you that being a mom is the most important earthly job? God didn't make mistakes and wasn't confused when he created "mom's". And the days that I'm lucky enough to stay home, are more work, by FAR, then when I punch the time-clock. Sorry - but don't bash your role. You're more valuable than you realize.

But I do agree with you about not being able to watch the show - except my pet peave was how perfect she fed her kids...."natural this", and "organic that" the heck does she honestly have that much energy with stinkin' 18 kids? Makes me feel bad for feeding my kids Costco hot dogs and Diet Coke so they sit still and let me shop?

The Lomeli clan said...

Yes, I agree. She fed her kids all kinds of crazy food. On the last episode I read-that sparked my grouchiness-Jon was feeding them candy. That is more like our households. Although maybe that's why she's a size 4 and I am not. Does eatting organic help with that?