Friday, June 12, 2009

Random thoughts

I will be honest here. I am a tough Mom. I am very strict and expect certain things from my kids. I expect no whining, no fighting, and respect. I don't think that is too much to ask.
As my kids get older, I find that they are really growing up. It's expected, yes, but so quickly? I can't believe that Gavin is going to be in 1st grade. That is so wierd.
As I sat there watching him graduated from Kindergarten, I was proud and sad at the same time. I cried and smiled, trying to put on "happy" face for him, even though it torn me apart inside, thinking that he is going to be exposed to all kinds of garbage within the next couple years. I wish I could protect him from all the negative things the world has to offer, but I know I can't.
This brings me back to beng a strict Mom. I believe that children need boundaries and expectations. I have no doubt that my kids would be scared of me if they were ever sent to the Principals office or the like. That's the way I want it. There are times to be a friend to your kids, but all in all, you have to be a role model and teach them what is and is not exceptable.
I hope that I am able to teach them well enough so they will grow up and be wonderful men. There is nothing that a parent stresses about more then impacting their children enough to effect their life and to become all that they are able to.

1 comment:

The Isaacs said...

Oh man, I am so with you! I'm in a similar boat, except that Grace is entering kindergarten! I think it's healthy that you realize that there are times when you can be a friend to your kids, but that first and foremost, they need more than that from you. From what I see, you are definitely on the right track- your boys are great!