Friday, June 19, 2009

I thought it was over....scene 4

It as a day I was looking forward to all week. Audrey, Gracie and Jacob were coming over to hang out, get haircuts and have lunch.
So they get here around 11:15 and we start our excitement. The kids run, play and are beside themselves with happiness to all be together.
I start on Audrey's toes (because they need help-sorry Audrey) and because I actually enjoy putting acrylic on toes. As I am doing Audrey's toes, the doorbell rings. The doorbell actually rings several times, one time and after another, like a kid is playing with it. I go to the front door and look out the side window. There is an attractive female standing there. I open the door and am greeted with, "You have a problem with me". Let's not forget to mention the hands flying in a gangster-like action. I am totally caught off guard. I say, "What?". She repeats herself and tells me, "You have a problem with me? You are always calling the cops on me. You got a problem?". As I look around to see who else is witnessing this event, I notice her son is standing in the street video taping this whole thing. I start chuckling. She is standing there ranting and raving about how I "better be in court because I am the one who called" and blah, blah, blah. I politely tell her I don't have time for her craziness. She continues, and I tell her "Whatever, like I said, I don't have time for this" and tell her to have a good day and shut the door in her face.
I was so angry! She thinks she can come to my door now and threaten me? And have her son tape it? So I tell Audrey briefly what happened. Then I call David, who is playing golf with some of his friends. He comes home and he is mad as well. I am shaking because I am so mad. I finally settle down and promise Audrey I will stop talking about the incident.
Now I will give you a little insight to Melissa. I am a physical person. I have always been athletic, except for the last couple years. Stress has always been managed thru jogging, walking or lifting weights. Since my kids I have put on some weight and have not been so worried about it. This has effected my workout routine, although I still react with a physical result. Everyone shakes as far as I know when they get mad. Only a few of us want to throw punches and act out our emotions in a physically aggressive manner. I am VERY proud of myself to not have done that, although I really wanted to!
After David is home for awhile and I am ready to get going to school, he decides to go to the neighbors house and tell her to stay away from us, our house and anything Lomeli related. Apparently she wasn't home, or the "police knock" scared her too much for her to answer.
I don't know what the best thing to do is at this point. Do we confront her, do we live in fear or her crazy ass or do we move. I think it is a good idea for David to handle the situation and tell her what is going to happen to her the next time she comes on our property. I also think that we are bigger people and it's a good idea to just let it go. But whatever we decide...I am gonna carry that pepper spray when I am in my front yard and she will be sorry if she gets too close to me again.

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