Monday, September 28, 2009

It's not easy!

It's funny how being a stay-at-home Mom turns into such a huge job. I have encountered several people who after I tell them that I am a full-time Mom, have looked at me like I was joking and pretty much acted as though I was a high school dropout that fried my brain on drugs! I won't tell you how I react to those people because I know that members of my Church read this.
Anyway back to my point. Those of you who know me, know that I am not the most patient of people. I have been known to shake my hands in the air and "growl" as Gavin calls it.
So I am sitting here, waiting to pick up Quinten and find myself thinking of all the things I need to do to after I get him. This is normal to the normal person, but Quinten hates to do anything but come home and wear costumes. He wears costumes from the time he wakes up in the morning all the way through the night. Yes, he wears them to bed! It's not a conventional way to sleep, but if he doesn't scream and cry for 45 minutes, what the heck!
So right now I am thinking if I should risk going and doing errands with him, or come home, drop him off with a husband that has worked all night so I can get it done quiet and peacefully.
I am wondering know if a bribe may help.....


The Isaacs said...

If you can't leave him at home, I say let him wear his costume while you guys run your errand... Yeah, people might look at you funny, but hey, they should mind their own business... and at least you'll get your errands done!

The Lomeli clan said...

That's what I did with Gavin. Quinten ended up throwing a temper tantrum when I picked him up, but at Trader Joes they give balloons and that made it all better.

Tracy said...

I took Michael shopping for groceries when he was 3. It was 104 degrees and he HAD to wear his snow boots. Yep, shorts, t-shirt and big puffy snow boots. And everyone in the store did a double-take and some even chuckled. I say push the limit! :)