Friday, December 25, 2009


Christmas has a lot of planning. There are the presents that you have to buy, and more importantly, budget for, and the decorations and on and on.
Yesterday, I realized I had many things to do still. After going to school from 8am to noon, in which I had two clients, I went straight to my parents for the Falk Christmas. It was nice. My Mom made a traditional German dish that I really appreciate after making it myself. We all pigged out and opened presents. They were so nice to us and got us a clothesline for our backyard. Think what you may, I will be a little ghetto if it saves my some money.
So I get home and want to take a load I get David ready for work and then realize that Santa will be pissed if he doesn't have cookies. I started baking until it was time for church. In between all of this David calls and tells me that he and his partner will be coming home for dinner around 8:00 and wanted me to have something ready for them. Really? With 3 hours and nothing ready? Yeah right...Me N Ed's it is! Thank goodness they were open until 7:30.
I get home from church and I start cleaning up a little...gotta make the co-workers think I do something after all.
They get to the house around 8:15 and we eat dinner together. A lot of stress though due to calls coming in and lazy officers not wanting to share the responsibility. Don't get me started.
After they leave and the boys go down, I see that I need to get the presents out of hiding and put them in their appropriate place. I also needed to do some last minute wrapping and prepping. I finally get to bed around 11:30...ahhh!
At 5:30 today, my wonderful, kind and considerate 4 year old comes into my room and yells, "Momma, it's Christmas and Santa came! Hurry up!" I replied something to the effect of, "It's too early!". David actually encouraged me to get up and crawled out of bed. So I was up at the crack of dawn! Not a favorite of mine.
So I am happy to be at home with the boys in bed after another long day of playing with their new toys. I will not hold it against them that they fell asleep in the car when we drove thru the subdivision on Alluvial. That was more for me anyway.


Audrey said...

Sounds like a whirlwind of fun! All your work and stress is rewarding though, when you realize you created a wonderful Christmas for your little family. Good Job! I missed you this year...... :(

Jamie said...

Glad you survived this Christmas! You're such a good mommy!