I have had a really boring summer! It's not that I haven't wanted to have fun, but business has been slow and I, to be honest, I have been lazy.
David and I had a really nice trip to Las Vegas, but other than that we haven't done a lot. And to be honest I have been feeling guilty for it because summer break needs to be fun for the boys.
We did do some camping in Shaver for one night, but it wasn't what I expected. The boys liked the dirt and the outdoors, but it was tough because they haven't mastered how to sleep inside a sleeping bag. It gets really cold at night and they both were yelling all night about how cold they were. My friend and her family had planned to go with some friends who cancelled and we filled in. Camping isn't my idea of a great time and I think I may have to work on that, being that I have two boys and a husband who loves camping. Too bad it isn't acceptable to stay at a hotel while the rest of my family roughs it in a sleeping bag. So anyhow, I am thinking of taking my family for a couple days to Morro Dunes for some camping "fun".
In between all that is Quinten's birthday. He wants to go to Sakanaya for lunch, which is easy and do-able. I also want to take him to a movie....if possible at the cheap theater. All he really cares about it getting extra butter on his popcorn.
I am looking forward to this Thursday when my best friend and I are going to go wine tasting in Paso Robles. Neither of us have done it before and it's a fun excuse to get out of town and drink some wine and chat. We are taking a tour, which eliminates the DUI portion of the trip, which always makes it a plus. So that will be fun and relaxing. Oh, and it gives David some special bonding time with the boys, which I will use as my reasoning till the day I die.
So hopefully this last month of vacation in fun for my little family, whether it's all together or individually. May this last month of summer break be the best month!!
Chicken Cordon Blu
12 years ago